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Found 4154 results for any of the keywords caviar tongue. Time 0.007 seconds.
Is Caviar Tongue Dangerous ?Caviar tongue is an unharmful condition, appearing as a black hairy tongue on the undersurface of the tongue, which is caused by the aging factor in most individuals.
What Does Scalloped Tongue Mean And How To Treat It?Indentations on the sides of your tongue are generally called scalloped tongue, and some dentists call it tongue crenation. It s generally not a serious condition but may signal underlying health issues.
What Causes Black Spots On Tongue - Surya DentalBlack spots on the tongue can go away if you maintain proper oral hygiene, and in some cases, they may last longer, which indicates severe conditions like tongue cancer.
Understanding Blisters on the Back of the TongueBumps on the back of the tongue is a normal condition until there are any signs of infections. You need to consult with a dentist when it grows large or exists long.
HPV In Mouth: Symptoms, Preventions, Diagnosis and TreatmentsHuman papillomavirus (HPV) infections in the mouth are bothersome. They develop tongue warts, oral hpv lesions, and even cancer cells. We explained it here
Drool Rash in Babies: How To Prevent And Treat ItDrool rash is a type of contact dermatitis in babies caused by the contact of saliva with the skin. Drool rash is also called Teething rash and Dribble rash.
Transient Lingual Papillitis (Lie Bumps): Types, Symptoms and TreatmenTransient Lingual papillitis or lie bumps is an inflammatory condition that causes painful and disturbing symptoms which go away without any medical intervention.
What is meant by Pacifier Teeth?Overuse of soothing devices like pacifiers affects the oral health of kids adversely. This condition is called pacifier teeth. We explained it here.
The Story Behind Tom Cruise s Teeth and How He Fixed Them?Tom Cruise has an incredible story behind his transformation of his teeth. We have explained that all in this blog along with some tips to follow.
Dental Bone Spurs | Bony SpiculeDental bone spurs are small bony lump on gums that develop along the jawbone. They can cause pain and discomfort in the mouth.
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